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Sea of Possibilities_Ashton Huffstetler.JPG

festival advertising

You may have seen this painting in some of the advertsing for this year's Kentuck Festival of the Arts. This piece is titled "Sea of Possibilities" by Ashton Huffsetetler. She will be in booth G-20.


Click the painting to enlarge.

2024 confirmed artists

Sorted by last name.

This list is subject to change.


Feliciano Abaurre, Clay, B-39

Brooke Albrecht, Two-Dimensional, H-24

Paul Albritton, Jewelry, D-23

Neel Alexander, Mixed Media, C-14

Mike Altman, Mixed Media, A-17

Barry Altmark, Photography, C-20

Ana Maria Andricain, Jewelry, G-08

Dennis Aplin, Glass, H-20

Justin Atkin, Two-Dimensional, E-18

Paul Aude, Fiber, H-22

Megan Austin, Jewelry, A-24

Ahmad Austin, Two-Dimensional, D-28

Wanda Azzario-Goldberg, Two-Dimensional, B-52

Jeffrey Balaschak, Mixed Media, A-60

Michael Banks, Mixed Media, C-45

Emily Barkley, Mixed Media, H-16

Jaime Barks, Mixed Media, C-28

Kate Beck, Fiber, G-02

Jonathan Beeson, Two-Dimensional, C-32

Sarah Bell, Natural Materials, E-13

Ned Berry, Clay, B-05

Anita Bice, Two-Dimensional, B-09

Black Belt Treasures, Mixed Media, D-35, 36

Brian Bohanan, Two-Dimensional, F-20

Lisa Bohnwagner, Two-Dimensional, H-08

Booker T. Washington Magnet High School, Photography, H-03, 05

Ricky Boscarino, Clay, C-19

Fran Bostick, Mixed Media, H-07

Rossina Boyer, Mixed Media, B-51

Abigail Brewer, Mixed Media, E-04

Stacey Brown, Mixed Media, B-23

Mary Anna Brown, Mixed Media, E-25

Alexander Brown, Wood, G-04

Larry Brown, Wood, G-19

Jon Bryan, Wood, A-14

James Burcham, Metal, G-14

Laurie Burton, Mixed Media, C-30

Emily Busby, Clay, C-42

Ron Buse, Fiber, D-13

Ben Caldwell, Metal, A-07

John Canterbury, Photography, D-11

Steve Carmichael, Two-Dimensional, A-41

Carol Carmichael, Two-Dimensional, D-44

Kyle Carpenter, Clay, D-05

Mary Ann Casey, Two-Dimensional, G-15

Chris Charles, Printmaking, C-15

Kevin Chitwood, Wood, B-21

Gloria Christian, Natural Materials, D-07

Jonathan Clardy, Clay, B-24

Sam Clark, Clay, E-01

Crimson Clay, Clay, H-23

William Colburn, Metal, D-27

Sam Collins, Two-Dimensional, B-34

Amy Collins, Two-Dimensional, B-36

Liza Compass, Two-Dimensional, B-41

James Conner, Two-Dimensional, E-07

Wendy Converse, Clay, C-09

Robin Anne Cooper, Mixed Media, A-15

Sara Cox, Fiber, H-04

Crossroads Arts Alliance, Mixed Media, A-51

Bryan Crowson, Mixed Media, C-33

Joan Curtis, Two-Dimensional, B-50

Barbara Danger, Sculpture, D-22

Evie Davis, Fiber, G-13

Lauchlan Davis Sky, Two-Dimensional, A-16

Steve Davis, Alabama Art Metal, Metal, A-08

Tonia Davis-Evans, Jewelry, G-17

Audry Deal-McEver, Clay, D-21

Courtney Deyoung, Jewelry, A-29

Theresa Disney, Mixed Media, D-19

Penny dobson, Mixed Media, A-20

Carrie Donaldson, Mixed Media, D-16

Amy Durant, Two-Dimensional, A-52

Nancy Eaves, Jewelry, C-13

Victor Edwards, Wood, C-35

Stacey Edwards, Two-Dimensional, D-20

George Elliott, Photography, F-09

Leigh Ellis, Two-Dimensional, B-47

Julie Elmore, Wood, F-03

Sam Ezell, Two-Dimensional, G-11

Garland Farwell, Wood, A-49

John Fesken, Mixed Media, C-39

West Alabama Fiber Guild, Fiber, B-31,33, & 35

Karen Fincannon, Clay, A-32

Todd K Fox, Mixed Media, E-05

Lou Frederick, Jewelry, H-10

Douglas Fulks, Two-Dimensional, C-04

Kathryn Gage, Two-Dimensional, A-12

Marysia Galbraith, Clay, G-12

Bianca Gedeon, Jewelry, C-26

Gee’s Bend Quilters, Fiber, E-02

Paul Gillam, Wood, C-44

Theresa Gloster, Two-Dimensional, D-06

Catherine Goolsby, Jewelry, F-17

Brenda Gordon, Mixed Media, G-16

David Gordon, Clay, B-19

Betsy Green, Jewelry, B-43

Green Pea Press, Printmaking, D-33

Eve Grenier, Mixed Media, A-53

Sydney Gruber, Two-Dimensional, A-48

Luis Gutierrez, Clay, B-46

Jackie Haliburon, Mixed Media, B-48

Larry Hamilton, Glass, A-58

David Hammock, Metal, G-22

Amanda Hamrick, Fiber, E-17

Michael Hamrick, Two-Dimensional, E-15

Michael Hand, Mixed Media, A-27

Elizabeth Hanes, Mixed Media, A-39

Kelly Nicole Hatfield, Mixed Media, A-05

Sundi Hawkins, Two-Dimensional, C-16

Aaron Head, Fiber, A-61

Dustin Headrick, Mixed Media, D-01

Dennis Heckler, Two-Dimensional, D-32

Charlene Heilman, Glass, D-17

Tom Henry, Wood, C-21

Ron Herbster, Wood, E-09, 11

Rickie Higgins, Two-Dimensional, H-01

Joe Hobbs, Glass, A-38

Jasmine Hocutt, Sculpture, F-11

Marirosa Hofmann, Mixed Media, B-17

Paul Hofrenning, Clay, E-14

Canne Holladay, Clay, D-31

Will Holley, Natural Materials, F-22

B.F. Hollingsworth, Mixed Media, E-12

Megan Horan, Jewelry, G-24

Emily Howard, Printmaking, H-11

Chris Hubbard, Mixed Media, E-22

Ashton Huffstetler, Two-Dimensional, G-20

Ingrid Humphrey, Mixed Media, G-18

Masako Ichikawa, Jewelry, A-50

Monica Iversen, Two-Dimensional, C-25

Bailey Jack, Two-Dimensional, G-10

John Wayne Jackson, Mixed Media, A-30

David Jackson, Mixed Media, C-23

Kay Jacoby, Two-Dimensional, A-57

Mary Jacquin, Mixed Media, B-07

Susan James, Printmaking, A-37

Nicario Jimenez, Mixed Media, A-04

George Jones Jr., Natural Materials, B-53

Suzanne Juneau, Jewelry, D-08

Pat Juneau, Metal, D-10

Juli Juneau, Glass, H-06

Ginger Kelly, Glass, A-13

Kerry Kennedy, Clay, C-31

Joachim Knill, Two-Dimensional, A-01

Tim Kuhlman, Wood, C-18

Ed Lane, Two-Dimensional, A-47

Amy Lansburg, Mixed Media, A-22

C.M. Laster, Mixed Media, A-64

Julie Latayan, Sculpture, B-13

Kerry Leasure, Jewelry, A-11

Joy Ledvina, Fiber, F-07

John Lee, Mixed Media, A-06

Wilson Lee, Sculpture, A-25

Open Letter Press, Printmaking, D-09

Eric Legge, Mixed Media, E-26

Carolyn Lewis, Mixed Media, C-08

Megan Litts, Two-Dimensional, C-34

Joel Lockridge, Wood, G-21

Rik Long, Mixed Media, D-25

Peter Loose, Mixed Media, A-34

Charlie Lucas, Mixed Media, B-44

Margaret Luttrell, Mixed Media, B-10

Mari Lydic, Fiber, C-10

William MacGavin, Wood, G-07

Joe MacGown, Two-Dimensional, E-03

Robert Martindale, Clay, E-06

Andrew McCall, Natural Materials, D-40, 42

Heaven McCaulley, Fiber, F-16

Richard McCollum, Wood, A-62

Carol McCrady, Fiber, A-42

Heather Mcdurmon, Fiber, A-28

Bob McGill, Two-Dimensional, C-02

Lora McGowan, Two-Dimensional, A-21

Linda McInnis, Fiber, C-38

Michelle McLendon, Fiber, G-23

Craig McMillin, Clay, D-45

Scott McQueen, Mixed Media, A-26

Don McWhorter, Clay, A-10

Jamie Meagher, Mixed Media, B-18

Ron Mellott, Photography, A-09

Katherine Michael, Two-Dimensional, E-21

Brett Miley, Two-Dimensional, F-14

Sarah Miller, Fiber, A-18

Paul Miller, Wood, A-44, 46

Jacqualyn Miller, Fiber, A-43

Royal Miree, Sculpture, B-38, 40

Cindy Mitchell, Jewelry, C-12

Tonia Mitchell, Mixed Media, C-37

Erika Mock, Fiber, C-24

Carla Moll, Mixed Media, B-37

Tom Moore, Fiber, A-03

Chad Moore, Photography, F-12

Jared Moran, Wood, D-26

John Moran, Mixed Media, F-01

Max Morey, Wood, E-10

Jayne Morgan, Two-Dimensional, E-08

Valton Murray, Two-Dimensional, B-45

Rebecca Murray, Two-Dimensional, D-24

Lisa Norris, Mixed Media, B-02

Jim Norton, Jewelry, B-54

Obie Oden, Metal, H-17

Jon Osborne, Mixed Media, C-05

Scott Owen, Mixed Media, D-43

Mariella Owens, Clay, G-05

Rocky Pardo, Jewelry, B-01

Barbara Parks, Jewelry, E-16

Mark & Brenda Phillips, Photography, B-08

Lisa Pirkle, Mixed Media, F-19

Roger & Renae Poer, Jewelry, B-20

Melanie Poole, Fiber, F-13

Turner Porter, Wood, C-36

Mary Proctor, Mixed Media, A-35

West Alabama Quilters Guild, Fiber, B-27, 29

Bobbie Rafferty, Jewelry, H-21

Kip Ramey, Two-Dimensional, A-31

Joan Rasmussen, Mixed Media, B-22

Marisa Ray, Two-Dimensional, B-14

Kentuck Red Dog Potters, Clay, B-30, 32

Peggy Reeves, Two-Dimensional, H-13

Stewart Rein, Photography, C-27, 29

Cheri Rhodig, Mixed Media, B-16

Chad Ridgeway, Glass, C-07

Ruth Robinson, Mixed Media, C-17

Guadalupe Robinson, Clay, D-30

Robin Rodgers, Clay, A-59

Jana Rohlickova, Clay, H-09

Wanpen Ruang, Jewelry, F-08

Marie Rust, Two-Dimensional, F-15

Marcus Ryan, Mixed Media, C-41

Frank Saggus, Mixed Media, E-19

Thomas Sanders, Photography, B-55

Nikki Saraiva, Metal, E-24

William Schaum, Sculpture, C-40

David Self, Clay, A-23

Dr. Bob Shaffer, Mixed Media, D-29

James Shores, Mixed Media, G-09

Edina Shrestha, Jewelry, D-34

Sloss Metal Arts, Metal, On Map

Tim Spanjer, Two-Dimensional, E-23

Michael Spiller, Mixed Media, G-01, 03

Jeffrey St Romain, Mixed Media, A-45

Laura Stacy, Fiber, E-20

Karl Stelzer, Clay, A-63

Jason Stoddard, Jewelry, A-36

Matt Sutko, Wood, D-14

Andrew Swartz, Two-Dimensional, B-03

Stacy Tabb, Printmaking, B-06

George Taylor, Two-Dimensional, A-33

Robert Taylor, Metal, A-08

Steve Terlizzese, Mixed Media, C-43

JK Terrell, Glass, B-04

Amanda Terry, Natural Materials, D-38

Dennis Thompson, Clay, A-40

Ginger Turner, Mixed Media, C-22

University of Alabama Book Arts MFA, Mixed Media, B-25

John van Orsouw, Mixed Media, A-02

Ronald Vieceli, Wood, D-03

Tyler Voorhees, Mixed Media, C-03

John Walrod, Mixed Media, F-21

HC Warner, Mixed Media, F-10

Jay Waters, Photography, C-11

Jim Weaver, Two-Dimensional, G-06

Della Wells, Mixed Media, D-04

Woodworkers Association of West Alabama, Wood, B-26, 28

Tim Whitten, Clay, C-01

Glenn Wills, Photography, H-02

Jason Wilson, Clay, C-06

Mike Wilson, Wood, D-15

Grant Wood, Two-Dimensional, H-14

Beth Wright, Fiber, D-18

Bernard Wright, Mixed Media, F-04

Kreg Yingst, Printmaking, B-15

Natalie Young, Glass, B-11

Robert Zarcone, Fiber, F-02

Jeff Zoellner, Jewelry, B-42

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